Missouri Eagle Forum Dedicated to the preservation of the family and faith fought for by our founding fathers.
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Candidate Questionnaire
Are you an incumbent of the office for which you are running?*
Office Sought:*
District #:*
Campaign Name:*
Email Address:*
Cell Phone:*
Do you support local control of education, with accountability through the local school board, rather than federal controlled?*
Do you support the teaching of phonics-based reading curriculum, rather than whole word in Missouri schools?*
Our United States Constitution is an inspired document which has guaranteed our political and spiritual freedom, economic opportunity, state diversity, and national growth. It is a statement of principle and practicality that has worked well for two centuries. Will you oppose any effort to request an application (or call) for a Constitutional Convention (Con Con)? http://www.eagleforum.org/topics/concon*
 No, I will not oppose
 Yes, I will oppose
The Electoral College is the unique vehicle that gives us a President who achieves a majority in a functioning political process. It saves us from the fate of other nations that suffer from the complexities, uncertainties, and agonies or coalition governments patched together when no candidate or party wins a popular-vote majority. Will you oppose elimination of the election of Electors (Electoral College) to be replaced with a popular vote? http://www.eagleforum.org/psr/2009/may09/psrmay09.html#ec1*
 No, I will not oppose
 Yes, I will oppose
Do you believe the right to own and carry guns is a constitutional right?*
 No, I do not
 Yes, I do
Do you support a Missouri state constitutional amendment that would prevent the US federal government from imposing a national health care system in Missouri?*
Should it be illegal for casinos to take personal property through eminent domain?*
 No, it should not
 Yes, it should
Do you favor adopting abstinence-only curriculum in Missouri schools?*
 No, I do not
 Yes, I do 
Do you support the right of parents to homeschool their children?*
Should sex education be a parental opt-in requirement?*
Do you support the teaching of all theories of origins, including intelligent design, as well as evolution in science education courses in schools?*
Is it appropriate for minors to have unrestricted access to public library materials that may be deemed pornographic?*
Do you believe that abortion is the taking of innocent life?*
The United States said NO to the Equal Rights Amendment of 1982. Do you believe that an Equal Rights Amendment would benefit women? http://www.eagleforum.org/era/*
Will you oppose the use of eminent domain and public funds to support private projects?*
